Turning 27

February 15, 2021

P.s. Why did I wait all day to get a picture…I don’t like wrinkles lol

Turning 27, starting 2021, It came so fast…

I need to learn a lesson that I shouldn’t wait for a new year or a new age to make a change. I don’t want to put my hope and expectations in things that are fleeting (time, growing older). It sounds so logical when you say it out loud. 

I have always talked about learning to see life from God’s perspective….I need a constant reminder of this. Recently, I read about how our time is the most precious gift we could give. Eric and I have talked about this everyday since. I don’t want to wait until I get older and older to realize that relationships are the most important thing in life. 

For so long I have struggled with “doing what I want” vs spending time with loved ones. My priorities were SO messed up. Spending QUALITY time with people in my life is now my top priority (with how I spend my time) and I will always fight to keep it that way. It has become what I “want” more than anything. 🙂

So what does this mean? What am I changing to make quality time my top priority? This means that I have to work harder to take care of myself so that I am as ready as possible to be there mentally. There is a big difference in quality time vs proximity. At least to me. Some people feel great just being near family or friends but I really crave quality time to talk and update each other on our lives and dreams. The better I work to take care of myself the more I am going to be able to be there for others. When I get into a routine I do pretty well at eating healthy and working out regularly (lately not so much but getting there lol). Where I really need to work is MY SLEEP!!!! I would say I am fatigued due to lack of sleep, 6 out of 7 days per week. Since having covid mid January I have been making myself go to bed around 9-10. In 2020, I was in a terrible rollercoaster of working all day and staying up so late (11:30-12am to wake up at 6:00am) and then crashing at 8:30-9pm the next night. SO ROLLERCOASTER! 

I have seen such a big difference in how I feel going to bed around the same time even just 4 out of 7 days per week. My creativity can come alive at night so it has been so hard but the better I feel the more I am able to do and create during the day! Everything I am saying seems so logical but I am experiencing it for the first time. 

Talking about sleep schedules in a blog post….That’s so 27 of me..LOL….I am being real here!

With covid still being ever so present, it is hard to spend in person quality time but even a text or a FaceTime can go a long way. I am still working on being better with this but I won’t stop trying! I can’t wait to see what God has in store for me this crazy year! 

I had the most amazing 27th birthday. I got to have multiple birthday dinners…hehe. When my mom asked me what I wanted to do I told her “make lasagna.” She thought I was crazy but it was such a blast cooking with the fam. They were being so crazy I kept forgetting which layer to add next!!! LOL On top of that, my mom made me homemade cheesecake and it was delicious!!! I got goodies, cozies, plants and clay to make my own pots..I am one blessed girl. Love to you all – Case

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